Tournament Directions / Site Locations
Aircraft Club (CT): 200 Clement Road East Hartford, CT - Take Rt 495 North to Rt 90 (Mass Pike) West to Rt. 84 West. Follow 84 West to exit 58 (Silver Lane). Take a left off the ramp and then left at the first light onto Silver Lane (across from Pratt and Whitney's front gate). Take the first left onto Clement. Go to the end and take a right. The Aircraft Club is on the right.
The Aggie: see below - Norfolk Agricultural Regional High School
Amherst Middle School (NH): 14 Cross Road - Amherst, NH. - From Nashua:Take exit 8 from the Everett Turnpike. Follow to traffic light at T intersection by Ground Round take a right onto Rt101A west. Follow Rt101A west through many traffic lights. Keep an eye out for Wendy's on the Right and MacDonalds on the left. Keep right at this point. After passing the MacDonalds look for Post Road Plaza on your left. Take a right onto Boston Post Road at the light by Post Road Plaza. The road splits almost immediately. Bear right, staying on Boston Post Rd. The road splits again, bear left. The church should be immediately on your left. About 2 miles you will pass the Homestead Market on your right. The next right is Cross Rd and is marked with a very small Middle School sign. Take that right. Take 2nd left into Amherst Middle School parking lot.
AIC - American International College (MA): 1000 State Street Springfield, MA - FROM THE EAST OR WEST: Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) to Exit 6 (Springfield). Turn left after toll booth. Follow Rte 291E and proceed to exit 5-B. Turn right onto Route 20-A West. At the end of the ramp, get into the left hand lane immediatley after taking the right hand turn. At the first traffic light (St. Mary's church on your right, fire station on your left) Turn onto Roosevelt Avenue. Follow for approximately 2 miles. Take a right onto Roosevelt Terr and then a left, to get to the parking lot behind the gym. Enter through the back.
Academy of Notre Dame Tyngsboro (MA): 180 Middlesex Road, Tyngsboro MA
Andrea McCoy Center (MA): 181 Hilman Street New Bedford, MA
Avery Point Campus (CT): Athletic Department Gym - 1084 Shennecossett Road Groton, CT
Babson College (MA): Wellesley, MA - Follow Route 95/128 North to Exit 20B (Route 9 West) Take exit 20B (Route 9 West) and continue for 1.9 miles on Route 9 to Route 16. Turn left onto Route 16 West (Washington Street). Follow Route 16 West for 0.6 miles to Forest Street. Turn left onto Forest Street and follow for 1.2 miles to Babson College; the main entrance is on the right.
Bancroft School (MA): Shore Drive Worcester, MA. - Take Rt 495 North to Rt 290 West to Rt 190 North in Worcester. Take exit #1 (Gold Star Blvd., West Boylston St.) come off the ramp and slide immediately to the left to leave W. Boylston St. at the first opportunity. Take the left that looks like it will put you back onto Rt 190 but stay to the right on Norton Drive. Go to stoplight and turn left onto Shore Dr. Bancroft School is 1/2 mile on the left. Gym is last building on the left as you face the campus.
Barnstable High School (MA): 744 West Main Street Hyannis, MA. - Take Rt 495 South to Rt 25 over Bourne Bridge. Go 3/4 of the way around the rotary and take a right. Follow canal (on your left) to a set of lights. Turn Right onto Rte 6. Go to exit 6. Take a right off of the exit. Take a right at the first set of lights. Go to end and take a left. Bear right at the fork before the next set of lights. BHS is 1/2 mile on the left.
Barnstable United Elementary (MA): 730 OST WEst Barnstable Road Marston Mills, MA
Bay View (RI): 3070 Pawtucket Ave., Riverside RI
Bellingham High School (MA): 60 Blackstone St, Bellingham, MA
Belmont High School (NH): 255 Seavery Rd. Belmont, NH
Bishop Hendricken HS (RI): 2615 Warwick Ave, Warwick RI
Boston College (MA): Chestnut Hill, MA - From points North and South: Take Interstate 95 (Route 128) to Exit 24 (Route 30). Proceed east on route 30, also known as Commonwealth Avenue, and follow for about five miles to Boston College. FROM POINTS WEST: Take the Massachusetts Turnpike (Interstate 90) to Exit 17. At the first set of lights off the exit ramp take a right onto Centre Street. Follow Centre Street to the fourth set of lights, and turn left onto Commonwealth Avenue. Follow Commonwealth Avenue 1-1/2 miles to Boston College.
Bourne High School (MA): 75 Waterhouse Road Bourne, MA - From Route 495 heading south. Go over Bourne bridge onto rotary. Take first right (leaving gulf station on left). Go ~1/2 mile see Peebles Elementary school on left. Bourne High School is next left. Follow driveway up around school to gym entrance.
Bourne Middle School (MA): 77 Waterhouse Road Bourne, MA - Route 495 South, go over Bourne Bridge onto rotary. Take first right off rotary, (hotel on left) bear left @ fork, see Tedeschi’s Variety on right, continue app. ¼ mile to Bourne High. Entrance on left (this is the second school, the first is Elementary School) follow driveway up around school to Gym entrance. The Middle School is located to the left of the high school as you come up the drive.
Bourne Memorial Community Center (MA): 239 Main Street Buzzards Bay MA
Bowdoin College (ME): Sills Drive Brunswick, Maine -- a coastal town located 35 minutes Northeast of Portland. Morrell Gymnasium is the volleyball facility. From the South: Take Interstate 95 North to exit 6A (South Portland/Rt. 295). Follow Route 295 through Portland to exit 22 (Route 1). Follow Route 1 for about two miles. As Route 1 bears off to the left at a set of lights, stay straight on Pleasant Street. Pleasant St. will end at an intersection with Maine Street in Downtown Brunswick. Take a right on Maine Street and travel approximately a quarter of a mile. After a white church, take a left on Old Bath Road (Route 123). The main Bowdoin campus will be on your right. At your first set of lights, take a right.
Boys and Girls Club of Bristol (CT): 225 West Street Bristol, CT
Bridgewater State College (MA): Bridgewater, MA - Take Route 495 South to Route 24 South, take Exit 15 to Route 104. Take Route 104 East to STOP sign (approximately three miles). Turn left. For West Campus - Kelly Gymnasium, Proceed to Rotary. Take School St. off rotary. (As you enter rotary, School St. will be straight ahead--you will see the fire station on left as you enter it). Take left at end of the street onto Summer Street. Take first right onto Park Avenue. Visitor parking for the west campus is in the Chapel Lot on the left past the third brick building (Kelly Gymnasium).
Bristol Boys and Girls Club (CT): 225 West Street Bristol, CT
Bristol Eastern High School (CT): 632 King Street Bristol, CT
Bristol Plymouth Regional High School (MA): 207 Hart Street Taunton, MA
Brockton High School (MA): Brockton, MA - Rte 128 to Rte 24 South. Exit at Rte 123 East towards Brockton. BHS is on right past Friendly's rest. Turn into parking lot. Gym is on Left.
Brockton South Junior High School (MA): Brockton, MA - Follow Brockton High directions above. Go past the High School entrance and bear right at the lights. Continue past the other entrance of the High School and take a right at the 3rd set of lights onto Warren Ave. Follow almost to the end. The South JHS is on the right. Take a right onto Keith Ave. The parking lot is on the right.
Brown University (RI): Providence, RI - Brown's Pizzitola Sports Center Take 95 south to Branch Ave. (exit 24). Turn left onto Branch Ave. To traffic light. Cross intersection and go up Cyprus Street hill until you get to Hope Street (stop sign). Turn right onto Hope Street, bear to the left at the fork, and cross over Lloyd Ave. Entrance to athletic complex is next driveway on left.
Bryant College (RI): Smithfield, RI - From Rt. 295 take Exit 8B Smithfield RI, Route 7. Go to third light and take a left onto campus. Go past guard shack and take first right into large parking lot. Head for the tennis courts and park anywhere in this lot. The cement walk will take you into the Bryant Athletics and Recreation Center. Enter through main doors and you will be directed to the gym.
Buckingham Browne & Nichols (BB&N) Upper School (MA): 80 Gerry's Landing Road, Cambridge, MA
CCRI (Community College of RI) see below
Cambridge Rindge & Latin HS (MA): - 1640 Cambridge Street, Cambridge MA
Canton High School (MA): Canton, MA - Take Rt 128 N or S to Exit 2a - Rte 138 South toward Stoughton. At first traffic light (opposite Ponkapoag Golf Course) bear right onto Washington St. Canton High School is at 900 Washington St. about 2 1/2 miles on right.
Case High School (MA): Take Rt 495 South to Rt 24 South. Take exit 7 to Route 79 South (N. Fall River/Somerset). Follow Rt. 79 to junction of Rts.6 and 138. Follow signs to Route 6 West. Turn right on Gardners Neck Rd which becomes Hortonville Rd. Turn left on Milford Rd. Turn right on School St. to Joseph Case High School.
Case Junior High/Middle School (MA): Take Route 495 South to ROUTE 24 South to route 195 West. Take exit 3 (Swansea) onto Route 6. Take left at exit to go east. Take left at 2nd light onto Gardners Neck Rd. Take right at next light onto Main Street. Case Jr. High is on left. Park in back.
Central High School (MA):1840 Roosevelt Avenue Springfield, MA
Chelmsford High School (MA): 200 Richardson Road N. Chelmsford, MA - Route 128/95 to Route 3 North. Take exit 32 (Route 4) at Drum Hill Rotary. At top of ramp, go 1/2 way around the rotary, crossing over route 3. Take Westford Road on the right. Take first right onto Graniteville Road. Take next right onto Richardson Road. Take the 2nd driveway and follow it to the back of the school to gym.
Chippens Hill Middle School (CT): 551 Peacedale Street, Bristol, CT
Colby Sawyer College (NH): 541 Main Street New London, NH - Take I-93 North to I-89 North. Take exit 11. Bear right at the end of the ramp onto Route 11 for approximately 1 mile. Take a left onto Route 114 (Main St.). Continue for approximately 1 mile and you will see a sign for Hogan Sports Center Parking on the right (please park in that lot).
Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI-Lincoln): 1762 Louisquisset Pike Lincoln, RI - Take Rt 295S to Rt 146S. Take the Route 123 exit (Breakneck Hill Road) going West. Turn left at the junction of Route 123 and Route 246 (Louisquisset Pike). Campus entrance is shortly on the right. The gym is located in the back left area of the campus. Go around the rotary, then follow the road all the way around to the parking lot in front of the gym.
Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI-Warwick): Warwick, RI - Take Rt 95S take exit 12B. Bear left at fork to Rt 113 West. Continue straight to campus entrance. 400 East Avenue.
Coventry High School (RI): 40 Reservoir Road Coventry RI
Clark University (MA): 950 Main Street Worcester, MA -
CT Sports Center (CT): RT 95 South to New Haven CT. As you enter New Haven on I-95 South take exit for Rt 34 Downtown New Haven. Go straight and it becomes a city street. Continue on Rt 34 to end. Turn right onto Ella Grasso Blvd. Follow thru 6 or 7 lights and turn left onto Whalley Ave. Get in right lane and follow approximately 3 miles through Westville Center. Whalley Ave will split at Mobil Gas Station, bear right onto Rt 69 (Boston Market and Walgreens on the right). Go under the overpass for the Merritt Pkwy, turn right at the 4th traffic light onto Bradley Road. At stop sign turn right onto South Bradley Road. Follow the road around the corner to the left of the baseball fields. Large tan building at the end.
Connecticut College (CT): 270 Mohegan Ave. New London, CT - To the Charles B. Luce Field House and Dayton Arena: From I-95 South take exit 84 N in Connecticut. This will bring you onto Route 32 North. At the third stop light, turn right. You will see a sign for the complex.
Coventry High School (RI): 40 Reservoir Road, Coventry RI
Crossroads Sports Center: From The South: 495 north to exit 51. Take Route 125 north to the intersection of Route 101. Go under Route 101 and there is a McDonalds on the left side, pull into the parking lot and continue through to the Crossroads Sports Center.
Curry College (MA): 1071 Blue Hill Drive, Milton MA - Katz Gymnasium
Dana Barrows Basketball Club (MA): 1776 Washington Street Stoughton, Ma
Dana Hall School (MA): 45 Dana Road, Wellesley, MA
Danvers Indoor Sports (MA): 150 Andover Street Danvers, MA
Dartmouth Sports Dome (MA): Take Route 495 South to ROUTE 24 South to Route 195 East. Take exit 11- Reed Rd. Bear left off ramp. The DSD is ahead on the left.
Dean College (MA): 99 Main Street Franklin, MA - Follow Rt 140 (exit 17 off Rt 495) to Franklin. At the fourth set of traffic lights (corner of Union and West Central Streets - next to cemetary), take a left onto Union Street and then take your first right onto School Street. Continue straight at stop sign and the gym (59 Emmons Street) is on the right hand side, (third building). Park in the lot further down the street past the athletic field. Seating is limited - please bring a chair.
The Den (CT): 30 Baker Hollow Road - Windsor, CT
Dover Middle School (NH): 16 Daley Drive, Dover, NH
Durfee High School (MA): Take Rt 495 South to Rt 24 South. Take 24 South to Exit 7 (President Ave.) Follow this road to the rotary. At the rotary, take the first turn off (Newport Creamery, Mc Donald's CVS on right). At the first light (Elsbree Street, New York Bagel) take a right. Stay on this road past the Papa Gino's. The high school is on the left after the Papa Gino's. Park in the lot here and this is the gym entrance.
Duxbury HS (MA): 130 Saint George Street Duxbury, MA
East Catholic High Scool (CT): 115 New State Road Manchester, CT
East Greenwich High School (RI): 300 Avenger Way East Greenwich, Rhode Island - From 95 North or 95 South: -Take Exit #8 (from the north) #8A (from the south). Go right off the ramp and proceed to major traffic light/ intersection (Dunkin'Donuts on right/Showcase Cinema on Left). Go straight through light for about 1 1/2 miles to next light. Take left at light onto Middle Road -Follow less than a mile over highway overpass. Take your immediate right onto Avenger Drive Follow to School/Gym.
East Lyme High School (CT): 30 Chesterfield Road East Lyme, CT. - Take Rt I-495 South (go approx 7.8 mi) and merge onto I-95 South via Exit 13B toward Providence RI. Continue on I-95 S (Crossing into Connecticut). Merge onto US-1 S/Boston Post Road via Exit 75 toward Flanders/Waterford. Turn Right onto Chesterfield Road/CT-161. Follow to High School.
East Rock Community Magnet School (CT): 133 Nash Street New Haven, CT
Eastern Connecticut State College (CT): From Hartford I-84 East. Route 384 East to Route 6. Route 6 East to intersection of Routes 6 and 66. Left on Route 6 to second exit (High Street). Turn right onto High Street to campus entrance, 1/2 mile on right. From Boston, New Hampshire and Vermont Route 90 West (Mass. Pike) to Route 395 (Exit 10). Route 395 South to Route 6 (Exit 91). Route 6 West to intersection of Routes 6 and 66. Right on Route 6 to first exit. Turn left to dead end. Left onto High Street to campus entrance, 1/2 mile on right. From Providence and Points East: Route 6 west to North Windham. Bear right onto Route 6 highway to first exit. Turn left at next two lights. Campus is 1/2 mile on right.
Eastern Sports Center (NH): 175 Plaistow Road, Plaistow, NH
Elm Street (Elementary) School (MA): 415 Elm Street Walpole, MA
Elms College (MA): 291 Springfield Street, Chicopee, MA Maguine Center
FROM MASS PIKE I-90: Take Exit 4. After tollbooth, follow I-91 South. Take I-91 Exit 12 to Rte 391 North (Chicopee). Take Exit 2 to Center St. from exit ramp, turn right, go through the traffic lights, and take first right on South Street. Go up hill through next light; take second right on Grant St. Follow Grant St. into college parking lot. Maguire Center entrance is on the right.
I-91 SOUTHBOUND: Take Exit 12 to Rte 391 North.
I-91 NORTHBOUND: Take Rte 391 North Exit.
Elm Street Middle School (NH): Nashua, NH - Heading North, take US-3 N. - Take EXIT 4 toward E. DUNSTABLE RD/F.A.A. CENTER. Take the E. DUNSTABLE RD. ramp toward F.A.A. CENTER. 0.1 miles. Turn RIGHT onto E DUNSTABLE RD. (0.7 miles). Turn SLIGHT LEFT onto MAIN ST/DANIEL WEBSTER HWY. (0.7 miles). Turn LEFT onto LAKE ST. (0.1 miles). Turn RIGHT onto ELM ST. (0.1 miles). End at 117 Elm St Nashua NH. Elm Street Middle School's Chestnut Street Gym is located on the Chestnut Street side of the Elm Street School Complex (behind the main building). Please be aware that you will not be allowed to park in the bus loop. Cars will be towed. Legal parking is strictly enforced.
Emmanuel College (MA): 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA
Endicott College (MA): Beverly, MA. - From Route 128 North (Peabody):Take exit 17 (Grapevine Road, Beverly Farms). Turn right off the exit ramp and right again after 1½ miles onto Haskell Street (by the cemetary). Proceed to the end; at stop sign, turn right onto Hale Street, Route 127 to Endicott College. The main entrance is the second entrance on the right. ONCE ON CAMPUS: Proceed straight through the security gate (keep the pond to your right). At the top of the hill the Post Center (gym) will be on your left. You may park in front of the gym, behind the Townhouses across from the gym, or proceed past the gym to the large parking lot on the right. The front desk phone number is (978) 232-2442. From Boston: Follow either Route I-93 North or Route 1 North to Route 128 North. Follow directions from Route 128 North (Peabody).
Fitchburg State University (MA): 160 Pearl Street Fitchburg MA
Falmouth High School (MA): Falmouth, MA - Take Rt 495 South to Bourne Bridge to Rt 28 South to Brick Kiln Road exit - Turn left at bottom of ramp - 1st traffic light is Gifford Street - Turn left - school is on the left hand side.
Fore Kicks Norfolk (MA): 10 Pine Street Norfolk, MA - Driving Directions from Boston: Take Rt. 128 or Rt. 95 to Rt. 1 South in Norwood. Follow Rt. 1 South into Foxboro (DO NOT take Pine St. exit in Walpole!). Go PAST Gillette Stadium/Patriot Place and take a right at next traffic light - Pine Street (Lafayette House restaurant and Seasonal Specialty Store on right). Follow exit road to end and make a right onto Pine St (Rt. 115). Go less than 2 miles and Fore Kicks will be on your left hand side.
Driving Directions from Rt. 495 Northbound: Take Rt. 495 North to Rt. 1 North into Foxboro and follow to Pine Street exit traffic light (Seasonal Specialty Store Plaza on left). Make a left and follow exit road to end and make a right onto Pine Street (Rt. 115). Go less than 2 miles and Fore Kicks will be on your left hand side.
Driving Directions from Rt. 495 Southbound: Take Rt. 495 South to Rt. 1A (Wrentham Premium Outlet exit). Turn left onto Rt. 1A (South Street) and follow (turns into Dedham Street) Rte 1A thru Wrentham center. Stay on Rt. 1A (Dedham Street) and follow across Rt. 140. Go 1.5 miles to next traffic light, make a right onto Rt. 115 (Pine Street). Fore Kicks will be 100 yards on the right hand side.
Fore Kicks II Marlborough (MA): 219 Forest Street Marlborough, MA - Driving Directions from the south and Rhode Island: Take I-95 north to I-495 North. Follow I-495 to exit 23C, Simarano Drive (just after route 9 exits on border of Marlboro and Southboro). Take exit 23C, Simarano Drive exit and bear right at end of ramp onto Simarano Drive. Follow to first traffic light and turn right onto Forest St. Go less than a quarter of mile and Fore Kicks Marlboro complex will be on your left hand side. Driving Directions from the east and Boston: Take Rt. 128 or I-95 to Masspike/I90 West. Take exit 11A to merge onto I-495 N towards NH-Maine. Take exit 23C, Simarano Drive exit (just after route 9 exits on border of Marlboro and Southboro) and turn right at end of ramp onto Simarano Drive. Follow to first traffic light and turn right onto Forest St. Go less than a quarter of mile and Fore Kicks Marlboro complex will be on your left hand side.
Fore Kicks III Taunton (MA): 223 Fremont Street Taunton, MA
Foxboro Regional Charter School (MA): 131 Central Street, Foxboro, MA
Frontier Regional HS (MA): 113 N. Main Street, Deerfield, MA
Furnace Brook Middle School (MA): 530 Furnace Street, Marshfield, MA
Gilford Middle/High School (NH): Gilford, NH - Route 93 North EXIT 20; Gas, food (Burger King, MacDonald's, Applebees), factory outlet mall Skiing (Gunstock) Take a left onto Route 3N/11E (towards Laconia). Follow route 3/11 for 6.2 miles. Go straight through the lights at the Belknap Mall (on left) and then bear right on Route 3N/11E (towards Gilford). Follow Route 3/11 for 2.9 miles. Take Exit for Route 11A East (towards Gilford Village, Gunstock). At the end of the exit ramp, turn right onto 11A East. Follow Route 11A for 1.8 miles Take a right onto Alvah Wilson Road (sign for Gilford Middle High School) School is 4/10 mile in on the left.
Greater Lawrence Boys & Girls Club (MA): 136 Water Street Lawrence, MA
Greater Lawrence Technical High School (MA): 57 River Road Andover, MA - Take Rt 93 North to exit 45 (River Road). At top of ramp turn left. Proceed on River Road approximately 1/4 of a mile, at second traffic light turn left into the school driveway and parking lot area. The entrance to the gym is at the far left front door marked "Pool and Athletic Entrance".
Greater New Bedford Voc High School (MA): 1121 Ashley Blvd, New Bedford, MA
Greely High School (ME): 303 Main Street, Cumberland, ME
Greenwich Academy (CT): 200 North Maple Ave Greenwich, CT
Gus Canty Rec. Center (MA): Falmouth, MA - From the Bourne Bridge - Follow Route 28 to Falmouth. Turn left on Jones Road. Two traffic lights then turn right onto Davis Straits Street (turn into Main street). Follow to 790 Main Street. Dairy Queen is across the street and the Police station is next door.
Holy Cross, The College of the (MA): Worcester, MA - Take Massachusetts Turnpike I-90. Take Exit 10 to I-290 East toward Worcester. Take Exit 11 (College Square/Southbridge Street) off I-290. Cross over to the right lane immediately after coming off the ramp to College Square. Take the first right (before the traffic light) onto College Street. Go up the hill and enter the gate on the left. Find appropriate parking and walk back to the gym.
Holyoke Community College (MA): 303 Homestead Avenue Holyoke, MA - Take the Mass. Pike West (I-90) to exit 4 (I-91). Follow I-91 North to Holyoke. From I-91 take exit 16 onto Rt. 202 South (watch for quick left turn) and follow for .8 miles to the campus entrance. Turn right on to campus and turn right again and follow the road to the front of the athletic center (can not enter at rear of building).
Hollis/ Brookline High School (NH): 24 Cavalier Court, Hollis, NH - Take Route 3 North to Exit 6. At end of ramp turn left. Follow road (Broad Street) until you see Brookdale Fruit Fram on your left. You will come to a fork in the road - bear to the right. At the set of lights turn left onto Rt 122 South. Go approx. 1/2 mile and the High School is on the right. Go to the top of the hill and the entrance to the gym is at the back of the school.
Hudson High School (MA): 69 Brigham Street Hudson, MA. - Take Rt 495 North. At the I-290 intersection, the choices are I-290 or Rt 85 in Hudson. Take Rt 85 exit, going East on an access road to Rt 85. When you reach Rt 85 turn left going North towards Hudson. Proceed about 3/4 or a mile; you will pass a brooks Pharmacy and a Dunkin Donuts on the left. At the top of the hill is the first joining from the left - that is Brigham Street. Turn left onto Brigham Street. Travel about 1/4 mile and take a left at the stop sign. Stay on Brigham and look for the school on the right.
Insports Trumball (CT): 29 Trefoil Drive Trumbull CT
Inter-Lakes High School (NH): 1 Laker Lane, Meridith NH
Job Lane Elementary School (MA): 66 Sweetwater Avenue Bedford, MA (see below Lt Job Lane or Lane)
John D O'Bryant School of Mathematica and Science (MA): 55 Malcolm X Blvd, Roxbury, MA
Johnston Indoor Recreation Center (RI): 1741 Atwood Ave Johnston RI
Kennett High School (NH): 409 Eagles Way North Conway, NH
Kennett Middle School (NH): 176 Main Street Conway, NH
Kennebunk High School (ME): 89 Fletcher Street Kennebunk, ME
Kingston Sports Center (MA): 30 Independence Road, Kingston, MA
Lane Elementary School (MA): 66 Sweetwater Avenue Bedford, MA (see below Lt Job Lane or Lane)
Lasell College (MA): 1844 Commonwealth Ave., Newton, MA - Take Route 128 to Route 16 (towards Newton). Pass Newton Wellesley Hospital. Take a left at Woodland Road. Athletic center is on the right.
Lawrence Boys and Girls Club (MA): 136 Water Street Lawrence, MA
Lincoln Sudbury HS (MA): 390 Lincoln Rd. Sudbury, MA - Take Rt. 495 North to the Rt. 9 East exit. Follow Rt. 9 East until you see a Super Stop-n-Shop on your right at a set of lights. Get in the right lane, and look for the Egell Road ramp on your right. Take that exit to go up the ramp. Take a left at the lights to go over Rt. 9. Go straight at the next set of lights. Stay on Egell Road until it ENDS at a T-intersection. Take a right onto Rt. 20 in Sudbury, then a left at that set of lights, heading toward Sudbury Center. Go straight through the stop sign, and straight through the next set of lights a mile or so later. (This is Concord Street.) You'll then go past cemetaries on your right and left. Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School is about a mile and a quarter down on your right after the lights. Take a right at the white sign, and then a left into the parking lot. As you have the front of the school in front of you, park on the left and follow the driveway there down the left hand side and go in the gym door on your right as noted in the parking directions above.
Parking Lot Directions:
There are three bldgs...closest to Lincoln Rd is "A", middle is "B", and closest to the fields is "C". The gyms are in the "C" bldg. Either enter the first driveway to the complex and park in front of the bldg or in the small circular driveway to the left. DO NOT park in any unmarked areas, along the driveway etc or in the area between the will be towed!! OR Enter the complex through the same entrance as is the third driveway that enters/exits the property and enter the large parking lot in front of you. Go all the way to the left towards the bldg and park in marked spaces. The ONLY doors that will be unlocked are: The door that is down the driveway to the left of the bldg that is between the "B" and "C" bldgs which enters the hall to the gyms. OR From the big lot walk down the sidewalks/driveways and enter through the B/C connector. There is a sign on the glass above the entryway that says "GYMS".
Longplex (RI): 300 Industrial Way Tiverton RI
Loomis Chaffee School (CT): Windsor, CT - Coming from Storrs/Vernon and points east: From I-84 West, take exit 61, I-291 West. Follow I-291 to I-91 North, Exit 36 off I-91 North. Take a right onto Park Avenue (Route 178 East). OR Coming from Springfield and points north: Exit 36 off I-91 South. Take a left onto Park Avenue (Route 178 east). THEN Proceed to the traffic light at the intersection of Windsor Avenue (Route 159). Take a left onto Windsor Avenue and proceed to the next traffic light. Take a right onto Batchelder Road, which is the entrance to the school. Follow signs to Chaffee gym - once on campus turn right at fork, straight through stop sign, first parking on left is the gym (white building on south end of campus).
Lowell Boys & Girls Club (MA): 657 Middlesex Street Lowell, MA
Lowell Catholic High School (MA): 530 Stevens Street, Lowell, MA - I-495 N toward Lowell. Take the Lowell Connector / US-3 N exit. EXIT 35A-B-C toward Nashua NH. Take the RT-110 exit. EXIT 31- toward Lowell / Chelmsford. Turn right onto MA-110 / MA-27 / Chelmsford Street. Continue to follow MA-110 / Chelmsford Street. Turn left onto Stevens Street
Lowell High School (MA): From 93 North. Take 495 South to the Lowell Connector. Take exit 5 (Thorndike St). Continue off the ramp to the right. You will go under a bridge and then over railroad tracks. Continue thru 2 sets of lights. Hess station will be on your left. Do NOT take immediate left, BEAR off to the left thru lights. Lowell H.S. is at your next set of lights on your right. The Tsongas Arena will be directly in front of you. The gym is on the second floor.
Lt Job Lane Elementary School (MA): 66 Sweetwater Avenue Bedford, MA - Take Rte. 128 North or South. Get off at exit 31B which picks up Rte. 4 & Rte. 225 towards Bedford. Follow Rtes 4 & 225 through six sets of lights. After about 1/2 mile, after the 6th set of lights, you will come to a fork in the road. Bear right at this fork. At the second fork, bear right (Olds/Volkswagon dealership on right). This is North Road/Rte 4. Stay on North Road for approximately 1 mile. Take Sweetwater Ave on the right. School Driveway is approximately 1/2 mile on left.
Luce Fieldhouse at Connecticut College (CT): 270 Mohegan Ave New London, CT
Mahar Regional High School (MA): 507 South Main Street, Orange, MA
Maine Sports Arena (ME): 15 Lund Road Saco Maine
Malden High School (MA): 77 Salem Street, Malden MA
Mansfield High School (MA): 250 East Street, Mansfield, MA
Mansfield SportsPlex (MA): 31 Oxford Road, Mansfield, MA - Easy access off I-95 and I-495: From Route I-95 North and South - Take Route 95 to exit 7A (Route 140 South, towards Mansfield). At your second light, take a right onto Forbes Blvd. (Cabot Business Park). Go straight through the set of lights (Route 106). Take your second right onto Oxford Rd. You will see the Mansfield SportsPlex at the end of the street on the right hand side. From Route I-495 South - Take 495 South to Exit 13A (Route 95 North, towards Boston). Take Route 95 to exit 7A (Route 140 South, towards Mansfield). At your second light, take a right onto Forbes Blvd. (Cabot Business Park). Go straight through the set of lights (Route 106). Take your second right onto Oxford Rd. You will see the Mansfield SportsPlex at the end of the street on the right hand side. From Route I-495 North - Take 495 North to Exit 12 (Route 140 North, towards Mansfield). At fourth light, take a left onto Route 106. At lights, take a left onto Forbes Blvd. Take your second right onto Oxford Rd. You will see the Mansfield SportsPlex at the end of the street on the right hand side.
Marblehead High School (MA): 2 Humphrey Street Marblehead, MA
Masconomet Regional High School (MA): 20 Endicott Street Topsfield, MA - Take I-95N (Rte 128) to Endicott Street (Exit 51) in Topsfield, MA. Turn right (East) at top of ramp and the High School is the first group of buildings to the East of I-95. Courts are in the fieldhouse at the back of the school. Take road to the left of the school to get to parking areas near the field house.
Mass Maritime Academy (MA): 101 Academy Drive Buzzard Bay, MA
Mass Premier Courts (MA): 97 Green Street Foxboro, MA
Massasoit Community College (MA): One Massasoit Boulevard Brockton, MA -
MCLA (MA): 375 Church Street North Adams, MA
Medway Middle School (MA):Take Route 495 to exit 19 (Milford/Medway RTE. 109). Follow Rte 109 East which will bring you through downtown Medway (still Rte. 109). After passing the Dunkin Donuts and Papa Gino's, at the next set of lights take a right onto Holliston St. Medway Middle School is approximately half a mile on the right. From Rt 128 take Rt 109 West to Medway. Look for Holliston Street at a traffic light and turn left. The school is approximately half a mile on the right.
Milford High School (MA):31 W. Fountain Street Milford, MA. - Take Rt 495 North to (exit 20) Rt 85 (South toward Milford). Turn left onto Rt 85/Cedar Street. Turn right onto Dilla Street. Follow 0.9 miles and turn left onto Purchase Street. Turn right onto Fountain Street.
Milford Middle School (NH): 33 Osgood Street Milford, NH - The school is 25 min. North of Fitchburg, Ma. following Rt. 13 North. If you were to travel Rt. 3 North from either Rt. 128 or Rt. 495 to Nashua, NH., Milford is 15 min. West of Nashua taking Rt. 101. From Nashua NH: Traveling North on Rt. 3 to Nashua, NH look for a sign that says: "TO 101 MILFORD USE EXIT 8" or "1O1A West Amherst/Milford". There are two 101 West Amherst/Milford Exits. Either one will get you on the correct road. Follow 101 West for approx. 8 miles. Look for sign that says: "JUNCTlON 101" Take Exit on your left at lights marked "WEST 101 WILTON/ KEENE". Follow by-pass and take Rt. 13 Exit. At bottom of ramp take right. Take a quick left on Union St. Follow Union to stop sign. Take left. Milford Middle School is on your right. Enter around back.
Mill City Volleyball Club (MA): 1703 Middlesex Street, Lowell, MA
Milton Academy (MA): From Boston :Take I-93 south (Fitzgerald "Southeast" Expressway) to Exit 10, Squantum Street, Milton. Turn right at yellow blinker. Go 2/10 mile to traffic light , then bear left onto Centre Street. Milton Academy is just after the second traffic light. From the South Shore: Follow Route 3 north to I-93 south (Route 128 north toward Route 95) to Exit 5B. Travel north on Randolph Avenue (Route 28 north) to the third traffic light. (Do not turn left at the second traffic light where Route 28 diverges). At third traffic light, turn left onto Centre Street. This is Milton Acad. From the Mass Turnpike: Take I-95 south (Route 128 south) to Exit 5B.Travel north on Randolph Avenue (Route 28 north) to the third traffic light. (Do not turn left at the second traffic light where Route 28 diverges.) At third traffic light, turn left onto Centre Street. This is Milton Academy.
Miss Halls School (MA): 492 Holmes Road Pittsfield, MA
Miss Porter's School (CT): 60 Main Street Farmington, CT - Take Exit 39 from Interstate 84 (east or west). Go straight onto Route 4 West (Farmington Avenue). Continue through the blinking light. Turn left at the traffic light onto Main Street (Route 10 South). Before the next light take a right onto Porter Road. The driveway for the gym is the first driveway on the left. Park in any of the reserved spots except the first 4 on your left as you enter the lot.
Mitchell College (CT): 437 Pequot ave New London, CT - Proceed South on Interstate 95. After crossing the Gold Star Memorial Bridge over the Thames River in Groton, take Exit 83 to Colman Street. Turn left onto Colman Street to the end. Turn left onto Route 1 (Bank Street) and take second right onto Montauk Avenue. Proceed 1 1/2 miles to the College entrance.
Mount Saint Charles Academy (RI): 800 Logee Street Woonsocket, RI. - Take I 295 South to Rt. 146 North, stay in right lane and take Route 99 towards Woonsocket. Take the first exit off Rt. 99 and take a right onto Sayles Hill Road. Follow Sayles Hill Road for about ½ mile and take a left at the flashing light onto Old River Road. Old River Road becomes Manville Road after crossing Woonsocket town line. Take the sixth left onto Mt. St Charles Ave. Go to the top of the hill, take a right, go past the Mt. St Charles Ice Rink on the right, at the blue water tower take a right, past first intersection at the second intersection turn right and follow into the parking lot for the gymnasium. The Gymnasium is located directly behind the ice rink.
Nashoba Brooks School (MA): 200 Strawberry Hill Rd. Concord, MA
Nashua North High School (NH): 10 Chuck Druding Drive Nashua, NH
Nashua South High School (NH): 36 Riverside Street Nashua, NH
Nashua Sports Academy (NH): 90 Northwest Blvd. Nashua, NH
Natck High School (MA): 15 West Street, Natick MA
Needham High School (MA): Route 128 to exit 19B (Needham). At 2nd light, take a left onto Webster Street. Follow for approx 1 mile to school on right. Take the first right after the school (look for small school sign on pole) and follow to school driveway on the right. Drive up and around to the back of the school to the gym.
New Bedford Reg.Voc Tech High School (MA): Rt 495 S to Route 24 South to exit 12 (route 140S). Follow 140 South to exit 6 (Route 18 Asley Blvd/Acushnet Ave). Exit 6 is on the Left. Bear right at lights (Ashley blvd). School is 1/2 mile on right.
New Britain YMCA (CT): 50 Hight Street New Britain CT
New Hampshire Technical Institute (NHTI): 31 College Road (Institute Drive) Concord, NH - Take Exit 15E off I-93 onto I-393. Take Exit 1 off I-393. Turn left at the end of the ramp onto Fort Eddy Road. Proceed under I-393. Approximately 3/4 miles from the end of the exit ramp you will come to a stop sign on the NHTI campus. Turn right onto Institute Drive. Take your 2nd left into the parking lot. Proceed through the first parking lot and into the next parking lot. The Goldie Crocker Wellness Center, which contains the gymnasium, is the large building on your left. Park in this lot and enter the double doors under the 'Goldie Crocker Wellness Center' sign.
New Haven Academy (CT): 444 Orange Street New Haven, CT
New Heights Gymnasium (NH): 100 Community Campus Drive, Portsmouth, NH
Newton North High School (MA): 360 Lowell Ave Newton, MA - from Mass Pike (exit 17) follow Washington St. Go right on Walnut St. Right on Hull from rt. 128 take rt. 16 go right on Commonwealth Ave. Cross over Lowell Ave. Take the next left onto Beaumont St. Follow to end. Use Hull St. Entrance.
Newton South High School (MA): 140 Brandeis Road, Newton, MA
Norfolk "Aggie" County Agricultural Regional High School (MA): 400 Main Street, Walpole, MA - (From Boston) take Route 95 South to "Coney St." exit. End of ramp turn right and follow to traffic light. Turn left onto Route 1 (Walpole Mall on right). At next traffic light turn right onto Route 27. Follow to intersection of Route 1A, and turn right. Go past McDonald's (on right)and at top of the hill the school is on left (brick buildings). Take driveway around the back to the gym. (From the South) take Rt 95 North to "Rt 1 exit" toward Walpole. Follow to Rt 27 traffic light and turn left. Follow previous directions to Rt 1A. (From the North) take Rte 128 South and take Rte 109 West. At Bubbling Brook Ice Cream/Restaurant (in Westwood) take a left. Follow straight to Rte 1A, and take a right - school is on the corner of these two streets. (From the West) Take Mass Pike East to Rt 495 South to Route 1A North. Follow several miles and cross Route 27. School comes up on the left.
North Shore YMCA (NH): 125 Plaistow Road, Plaistow NH
Normandin Middle School (MA): 81 Felton Street, New Bedford, MA - From the North: 495 South to 24 South (Fall River-New Bedford exit) OR 128 South to 24 South (Fall River-New Bedford Exit 4). Continue to Rt. 140 (New Bedford-Taunton Exit 12). Bear right toward New Bedford. Continue on 140. Take exit 6 (Acushnet Avenue Exit). LEFT SIDE EXIT. Continue to traffic light at junction. Bear right at the junction. Continue for about one (2) miles until you come to a traffic light at Tarklin Hill Road. Turn LEFT at Light and school will be on your right about 1/4 mile down on your right Take a Right on to Orleans Street and enter parking lot on your Left Go along field to mid point of school and look for Coastal Signs on door.
Northeast Metro Regional Technical High School (MA): 100 Hemlock Road Wakefield, MA - Take I-95 (Rt 128) north to Exit 42 at Montrose Street. Turn left at the end of the off ramp onto Salem Street and take a quick right onto Montrose Street. Take Montrose Street one mile to the end and go right onto Water Street. Take a quick left onto Farm Street and go past Wakefield High School to Hemlock Street (Sign for Northeast Metro Regional Technical HS at turn). Go left on Hemlock up the hill to the Northeast Metro HS. Gym entrance is on the left side of the building.
North Essex Community College (MA): 100 Elliott Stree Haverhill, MA - Take 495 South to Exit 52 (there is a state sign for Northern Essex CC marking the exit). At the end of the ramp go right. Go 1/4 mile or less and take a left directly after the 495 north-bound ramp entrance (there is a White and Black sign for NECC on the right). Follow about 1/2 mile or less to the Main entrance and turn left on to the campus. The road splits upon entering. Stay to your left. Go to the one way street (first right) heading through the main campus. Go to the end. There is a huge parking lot on your left and you can see the gym off to your right (The last building). Please park in the lot and walk to the Gym.
North Falmouth Elementary School (MA): Bourne Bridge to Route 28 (Falmouth) Take exit for Route 151. Take a left at the end of the exit. Go through 1 light and turn left at first stop sign onto Old Main Road. North Falmouth Elementary School is about 1 mile on the right. The entrance is in the back of the school.
North Quincy High School (MA): 316 Hancock Street N. Quincy, MA. - From Boston: Rt 93 South, exit Rt. 3A, Follow signs for Rt. 3A Hancock St. Take a left at the Hess Gas Station onto Hunt St. NQHS is on your right. Parking and the gym entrance is in the rear. From the South: Rt. 93 North, exit ""E Milton , Adams St, No. Quincy"" stay straight through E.Milton Square, go past 2 gas stations. At the next set of light, take a right onto Squantum Street. Follow this road until you get to a major intersection (Hancock St), go straight through the intersection, and take your 2nd driveway into the rear of the school. where the gym and parking will be.
North Reading High School (MA): 189 Park Street N. Reading, MA - FROM SOUTH: (Rte. 128)--take 128N to Exit 40 (rt. 129). You will exit onto a rotary. Go 3/4 around the rotary and take Haverhill Street north about 4 miles to Rt 62 at North Reading Center. Turn left onto Rt. 62 and take your first right (about 100 feet) onto a road that leads to the high school parking lot. FROM NORTH: (I-93)take I-93S to Concord Street exit. Bear right and follow Concord Street to a stop sign. Turn right there and follow 1/2 mile to a set of lights at Rt. 28. Go straight across Rt. 28 to the next stop sign and go right onto Rt.62. The high school will be one mile on the left past the football field/track. Be sure to go past the football field and turn left onto the road that leads to the 2nd parking lot. FROM NORTH: (I-95)-take I-95S to 128S and follow directions above from exit 40 off of 128S. OR Take I-95S to Rt 1S and exit onto Route 62 towards Middleton. Follow Rt. 62 through Middleton to North Reading Center, and the high school will be on your right.
North Smithfield HS (RI): 412 Greenville Road, North Smithfield, RI
Notre Dame Academy (MA): Tyngsboro, MA - From the North: Rte 3 South to Exit 34-Westford Road Take a left off the ramp and follow to the end at Merrimack River. Take a left at the lights and then another immediate left into the school. Gym is the second building on the right. From the South: Rte 3 North to Exit 34-Westford Road. Take a right off the ramp and follow to the end at Merrimack River. Take a left at the lights and then another immediate left into the school. Gym is the second building on the right.
Norwell Middle School (MA): 328 Main Street Norwell, MA
Norwich Free Academy HS (CT): 305 Broadway Norwich, CT. Go to
Norwich Technical High School (CT): 7 Mahan Drive Norwich CT
PCIS - Plymouth Community Intermediate School (MA): Plymouth, MA - From the West or North: Take Route 3 South. Take Exit 5. Take a Right at the end of the ramp. Follow for 1 mile. School is on the right. Park in front or side and enter front door.
Pingree School (MA): 537 Highland Street, S. Hamilton, MA
Plymouth Rock Courts (MA): 30 Independence Road Kingston, MA
Plymouth State University Fieldhouse (NH): 50 Holderness Road, Plymouth NH - Route 93 North to exit 25 (Holderness / Plymouth) Take a right at the end of the ramp (Rt3 & 25). Plymouth State University Fieldhouse is 3/10 mile on the right.
Plymouth Sports Complex (MA): 8 Natalie Way Plymouth MA
Pomfret School (CT): 398 Pomfret Street, Pomfret, CT
Portsmouth High School (NH): 50 Andrew Jarvis Drive, Portsmouth NH
Portsmouth Christian Academy (NH): 20 Seaborn Drive Dover, NH - From the North or South: Take Interstate 95 to the Spaulding Turnpike (Rt. 16 towards Dover) follow to exit 7 (by Burger King); at the end of the exit ramp turn left onto Rt. 108. Turn left onto Back River Road (just after crossing the river). Continue approximately one mile on Back River Road to Garrison Road; turn left onto Garrison Road. Continue on Garrison Road, pass the Garrison Elementary School and look for the Portsmouth Christian Academy sign on your left. Turn left onto Seaborne Drive. Follow all the way to the end.
Premier Courts (MA): 97 Green Street Foxboro, MA - Take Route 495 South to exit 13A (Route 95 North, Toward Boston) heading North. Take Route 95 to exit 7A (Route 140 South, toward Mansfield). Travel 0.5 miles through one stop light and at the second light turn right onto Forbes Blvd. Follow Forbes Blvd to the next light and turn right on Route 106. Travel 0.7 miles and you will see our facility on the left hand side, right after you have passed under Route 95.
Prospect Moutain Regional High School (NH): 242 Suncook Valley Road (aka Rt 28 in NH) Alton, NH. Go to - Please note,there is only a small sign for the school. Be aware of the public works school crossing/school zone signs. The turn-off to the school driveway is relatively easy to notice with a widening of the road on both sides at the school entrance. SAU # 72 is located on the PMHS campus and there is a sign for the SAU office.
Directions from the South Drive through Barnstead, NH on Route 28 N. As you come up Route 28 North (Suncook Valley Rd), the school will be on your left (approximately 1 mile). The park "Eagles Rest" is on the right-hand side of the road almost directly across the street from the entrance to the school. If you reach the Alton Traffic Circle you have gone too far.
Quincy High School (MA): 100 Coddington Street (use 80 Russell Park on GPS) - Quincy High's gym is at the BACK of the school and thus the actual Coddington St address of QHS won't help you. Use 80 Russell Park as that house address will put you opposite the parking lot for the back entrance to the gym. If you park in front, it's a VERY long walk around.
Racquet Club of Concord (NH): 10 Garvin Falls Rd, Concord, NH
Randolph High School (MA): 40Highland Ave., Randolph, MA
Regis College (MA): 235 Wellesley Street Weston, MA. - From Route 9 in Wellesley, take the Weston Road exit. Continue north and cross Route 30 where Weston Road changes to Wellesley Street. Regis College is on the left. If traveling north on Route 95/128, take Exit 24 to Route 30 west. Continue approximately two miles and make a right turn onto Wellesley Street. Regis College is on the left; If traveling south on Route 95/128, take Exit 26 to Route 20 west. Continue approximately two miles and make a left turn onto Wellesley Street; bear right at the fork in the road. Regis College is on the right.
Richmond Consolidated School (MA): 1831 State Road Richmond, MA
The Rim (NH): 311 Winnacunnet Road Hampton, NH
The River School (MA): 333 Winter Street, Weston, MA
Rivier College (NH): Rt 95/128 North to Burlington, MA. Exit to Route 3 North to Nashua, NH. From Route 3/F.E. Everett Turnpike, take Exit 4, turn right at lights onto East Dunstable Road. Take right at third light (about 1 mile ) onto Main Street. Take first left, onto the campus.
Rochester Community Center (NH): 150 Wakefield Street Rochester, NH - From the South:1)take 95 North to Portsmouth, NH 2)go north on the Spaulding Turnpike/Route 16 3)Take exit 16 (last Rochester exit) 4)Follow signs to Route 125 Rochester/Milton (appx. 1 mi) Take left on to Route 125 South, to Rochester 5)Go appx. 1.3 mi , turn right (before football field)at Comm. Center .MacDonald's and Spaulding High School is at other end of field From the West: 1)Take Route 101East to Route 125 North to Spaulding Turnpike(in Rochester) 2)go north on the Spaulding Turnpike/Route 16. 3)Take exit 16 (last Rochester exit). 4)Follow signs to Route 125Rochester /Milton (appx. 1 mi) Take left on to Route 125 South, to Rochester 5)Go appx. 1.3 mi , turn right (before football field) From NH Lakes Region: 1)Take Route 11 South/East to Spaulding Turnpike(in Rochester) 2)go north on the Spaulding Turnpike/Route 16. 3)Take exit 16 (last Rochester exit) 4)Follow signs to Route 125 Rochester/Milton (appx. 1 mi) Take left on to Route 125 South, to Rochester) go appx. 1.3 mi,turn right (before football field).
Rockingham Athletic Club (NH): 175 Plaistow Road Plaistow, NH - take Rt 495 North toward Lowell. Travel approximately 65 miles. Take Rt 125N (exit 51B) toward Plaistow NH. Turn right onto Rt 125/Main Street. Turn right onto Plaistow Road.
Rockland High School (MA): 52 Mackinlay Way, Rockland, MA
Roger Williams University (RI): 1 Old Ferry Road Bristol, RI - Take Route 24 South toward Fall River. From Route 24 bear right onto Route 195 West to Exit 8A (Tiverton/Newport RI) where you will continue on Route 24 South for approximately seven miles. Take Mt. Hope Bridge/Bristol exit. Bear right up hill and across Mt. Hope Bridge. The University is just after the bridge on the right and the gym is on the left after entering the main campus entrance.
Sacred Heart University (CT): 5151 Park Ave., Fairfield, CT
Saint Joseph's College of Maine (ME): 278 White Bridges Road Standish, ME
Siena College (NY): Albany, NY - Take the Mass Pike (Rte I-90) West to NY border. Take NY Thruway to exit B1(I- 90W). Follow I-90 to exit 6 (US 9 North) to Loudonville. Siena is 2 miles on the right.
Silver Lake High School (MA): 260 Pembroke Street, Kingston, MA
Simmons College (MA): 331 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA - Holmes Sports Center
SLAM (MA): 72 Jefferson St Marlborough, MA
SMITH COLLEGE (MA) Ainsworth Gym, 102 Lower College Lane Northampton, MA
FROM I-91: Take either Exit 18 or 19 as outlined below:
Exit 18 (Rte 5): Turn left on Rte 5-Pleasant St. Turn left at 1st light (Main St. Rte 9W/10-S). At 2nd light, turn left on Rte 66 (West St.). At bottom of hill (before bridge), turn right on College Lane. Proceed to Ainsworth Gym (Smaller Bldg). Gyms are upstairs.
Exit 19 (Rte 9 West): Follow Rte 9W to Rte 66 (West St.). Turn left, at bottom of hill (before bridge), turn right on College Lane. Proceed to Ainsworth Gym (Smaller Bldg) upstairs.
Souhegan High School (NH): From the South: Follow Route 3 North to Nashua and take Exit 8 Amherst/Milford. At the end of the exit road, take a right onto Route 101A West. Continue through Merrimack on 101A until PC Connection Plaza (on the left). Across from the Cinemas, at the lights, take a right onto Boston Post Road. Follow this until you see the High School on the right.
Souhegan Valley Boys and Girls Club (NH): 56 Mont Vernon Street Milford, NH
South Shore Vocational High School (MA): 476 Webster Street Hanover, MA.
Southern Maine Community College (ME): 119 Fort Road, South Portland, Maine - Coming via Maine Turnpike North or South
Exit 45 (former Exit 7), coming off exit proceed straight (1.7 miles) to Rte. 1, Main Street Turn left onto Rte. 1 North. At 4th set of lights (1 mile) bear right following signs toward Rte. 77 South. Proceed straight on Broadway approximately 2 miles. Just past Newick’s Restaurant (on right) take right at the 2nd light. From this point proceed straight to end of Broadway (approx. 1 mile). Take right at stop sign onto Benjamin W. Pickett St.-- 200 yards to campus. PARKING IS ON THE RIGHT, APPROXIMATELY 100 YARDS BEFORE THE STOP SIGN AT BENJAMIN W. PICKETT ST. THE GYM (HUTCHINS UNION BUILDING OR HUB) IS AT THE FAR END OF THE PARKING LOT, ACROSS A NARROW STREET. PLEASE – DO NOT PARK ALONG THE SIDES OF THE GYM. ENTER THROUGH THE FRONT (GLASS) DOORS
Sports Zone Venue (NH): 7 A Street Derry, NH - Driving from the South: Head North on Interstate 93. Take Exit 4, turn right off ramp onto Route 102, North toward Derry. Take first left onto Londonderry Road, go to the end of road, which dead ends into Ash Street. Turn right onto Ash Street, go to end of road, which dead ends into High Street. Turn left onto High Street, which curves right into Folsom Road. (Same street, but the name changes). Take second left unto Franklin Street, which dead ends into B Street (there is no sign). Turn right onto B Street, which dead ends into A Street. Turn right onto A Street. The SportsZone is the third building on your left.
SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE (MA): Blake Arena, 263 Alden St., Springfield, MA
MASS PIKE (I-90): Take Exit 6. Turn left on Rte 291 West. Go 1 mile to Exit 5. (E. Springfield-Indian Orchard). Bear right onto Rte 20A. Take an immediate left at light onto Roosevelt Ave. Go three miles to Alden St. turn right, go 0.5 miles to Blake Arena.
I-91 SOUTHBOUND: Take Rte 291 East-Exit 5B onto Rte 20A. See directions above.
I-91 NORTHBOUND: Take Exit 2 (Forest Park-E. Longmeadow). From ramp, follow signs for Rte 83 and at the next light, turn right onto Sumner Ave. (Rte83). Go approx. 2 miles, turning left at the 7th Day Adventist Church on the left (No light at Intersection). Go through 2 lights and bear left at next stop sign onto Roosevelt Ave. Bear right at the fork and go 0.5 miles to Alden St. Turn left, go 0.5 miles to Blake Arena.
St. Anselm College (NH): Manchester NH
St. John's Gym (MA): 149 Chestnut Street Clinton, MA
St. Joseph College (CT): 1678 Asylum Ave. West Hartford, CT
St. Joseph's College of Maine (ME): 278 Whites Bridge Rd. Standish, ME
St. Michaels College (VT): Burlington, Vermont - Route 93 N to route I-89 North to Burlington, VT. (93 - 89 jct. is near Concord, NH). Follow I-89 to exit 15 East (Colchester Pkwy). Go to right at end of ramp. St. Michaels main entrance is 1/4 mile on left at first stoplight. Turn left into entrance and follow road to the left. The main entrance to the Tarrant Rec Center and Ross Sports Center Complex will be on your right.
Star Hill Sports Center (CT): 100 Gerber Drive Tolland, CT
Starland Sports Complex (MA): 645 Washington Street Hanover MA
Sterling Middle School (MA): 444 Granite Street Quincy, MA - From the North: 93 South to the Braintree Split at Rt 128 and Rt 3 South Stay to the left and just barely get onto Rt. 3 South Get off the 1st exit which will say "Washington Street, Quincy T".**** Coming off the exit, stay left following the Quincy signs. When you finally get to the bottom of the weaving exit ramps, stay to your left and take a left at the lights onto ""Centre Street"" (Don't drive into Crown Colony!!) Stay on Centre Street and take your 9th right onto ""Granite Ave"" Sterling Middle School will be right there on your right, take the 1st driveway to the rear of the school where the gym entrance is. Coming from the west (or Rt 128 South) At the Braintree Split where Rt 93 goes into Boston and Rt 3 heads south to the Cape, stay right and get off the 1st exit "Washington St, Quincy" Follow above directions at ****.
Stonehill College (MA): 320 Washington Street North Easton, MA
Stoneleigh Burnham School (MA): 574 Bernardston Road Greenfield, MA - From the east - take Rt. 2 to Greenfield, Exit Rt. 5 & 10. Take a right off of exit. School is on the left. Follow driveway into school. Gym is straight ahead.
Taunton High School (MA): Take Rt. 128 to Rt. 24 South (New Bedford/Fall River). Follow 24 to exit 13B (Rt. 44 West). Take left at 5th set of lights (Owen Blvd). Take the 1st left to enter the school driveway. Take the 2nd left to go around to the back of the school. The entrance is directly opposite the football gate.
The Den (CT): 30 Baker Hollow Road - Windsor, CT
The Rim Sports Complex (NH): 311 Winnacunnet Road Hampton, NH - Building B
The River School (MA): 333 Winter Street, Weston, MA
Torrington High School (CT): 50 Major Besse Drive Torrington, CT
Torrington YMCA (CT): 259 Prospect Street Torrington, CT
Tyngsboro Sports Center (MA): 18 Progress Ave. Tyngsboro, Ma - Rt 3 take exit 35. Head West on Rt 113. Take first left onto Cummings Road then take next left onto Progress Ave.
University of CT Avery Point - UCONN (CT): 1084 Shennecosset Road, Groton, CT
University Sports Complex (MA): 645 Washington Street Hanover, MA
UMass AMHERST: Boyden Gym, Commonwealth Ave. Amherst, MA
FROM I-91 NORTHBOUND: Take Exit 19 (Rte.9-UMASS). Go right on Rte 9 East to Hampshire Mall on right. Turn left at light beyond Pizza Hut onto University Ave. Go through one light to Mass Ave. Turn right and immediately turn left on Commonwealth. Boyden Gym is on the right. Go up to the fourth (top) floor.
FROM I-90 WESTBOUND: Take Exit 5 - Rte 33. Follow Rte 33 North into So. Hadley. Turn right onto Rte 116 North. Follow Rte 116 North into Amherst. Turn left onto Rte 9 West.
Go about one mile turning right onto University - UMASS Sign. Go through one light to Mass Ave. Turn right and immediately turn left on Commonwealth. Boyden Gym is on the right.
UMass Boston - Clark Center (MA): 100 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, Ma.- From the north take Interstate 93 South through Boston to Exit 15 (Columbia Road/JFK Library). Take a left at the end or the ramp onto Columbia Road, and then take your first right in the rotary. Follow the University of Massachusetts signs along Columbia Road and Morrissey Boulevard to the campus.
UMass Dartmouth (MA): 285 Old Westport Road, Dartmouth MA (28 miles/35 minutes to Providence and 60 miles/1 hour to Boston). Tripp Athletic Center!s/key=tripp athletic center
UMass Lowel Rec Center (MA): 10 Pawtucket Street Lowell, MA
UMass Lowell Campus Rec Center (MA): 250 Aiken Street Lowell, MA - From 93 North. Take 495 South to the Lowell Connector. Take exit 5 (Thorndike St). Continue off the ramp to the right. You will go under a bridge and then over railroad tracks. Continue thru 2 sets of lights. Hess station will be on your left. Do NOT take immediate left, BEAR off to the left thru lights. Lowell H.S. is at your next set of lights on your right. The Tsongas Arena will be directly in front of you. Take a left at the lights. Go to the next light and take a right. Take the first left at Hall Street. At the end of Hall Street you will be facing the Rec center. The entrance is on the other side of the building. Park on Hall Street or on Perkins Street and walk back. Sometimes the lots across from the Rec center is open and you can park there.
UMass Lowell Costello Gym (MA): Riverside Street Lowell, MA - Take 495 North to the Lowell Connector (or 128/95 North to Rt 3 North to the connector)- same exit as Route 3 North but bear left for the Connector. Get off at Thorndike Street. You must go right at the bottom of the ramp. Thorndike will become Dutton St. after three sets of lights. Just keep going straight. Three more sets of lights and you are facing Cobblestones Restaurant and Lowell High. Hess gas station on left corner. You must bear slightly left to go past Cobblestones. At the next light - Tsongas Arena is in front of you and Lowell High is on your right - take a left. At the third light take a right over the bridge. Cross the bridge, through the light at the end of the bridge and take a right at the next light. After the building on the corner to your right you will see a roadway - small - entrance to the gym - Costello - parking lot. Click here for Directions and a map for UMass Lowell.
University of New Hampshire (UNH): Durham, NH - Take Route 95 North to Fork in Road.At fork in Road Go to NH Lakes/Mountain Region - Route 4 & 16. Follow Route 4 & 16 to Exit ~ West (Concord/Durham). Take Route 4 West (7 Miles) to Route 155A Exit. Take Left at end of bottom ofRamp. About 1 Mile - Field House on Right. Take Left at set oflights. Parking Lot 'A' - Recreation Center is behind field.
University of Rhode Island - URI (RI): 75 Keaney Road Kingston RI. Take Rt 495 S to I-95 South to Exit 9 (Route 4 South), follow Route 4 to Route 1 South. Stay on Route 1 until the intersection of Route 138 West. Route 138 West will bring you to the University. 75 Keaney Road Kingston RI. Keaney Gymnasium.
University of Southern Maine (ME): 37 College Avenue Gotham, ME
Valley Sports Center (CT):310 Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT
Wakefield Memorial HS (MA): 60 Fram Street Wakefield, Ma
Wentworth University (MA): 550 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA
West Newton Armory (MA): 1137 Washington Street W. Newton, MA - From Rt. 128 (I-95): Take Mass Pike East (towards Boston). Take Exit 17(Newton Corner/Watertown). Get in the left lane as you come up off the exit ramp. (Sheraton Hotel on your left which is built over the MassPike.) Go left back over the Mass Pike (you are making a giant U-turn) and left again just after you get over the Pike. You are now on Washington St. heading west (make sure you do not get back on the Mass Pike). Go approx. 2 miles straight on Washington St. (which parallels the Mass Pike). The Armory will be on your right (brick building that looks like a castle). Park on the street. From Boston: Take Mass Pike West. Take Exit 17 (Newton Corner/Watertown). As you come up off the exit ramp go straight ahead onto Washington St. Go approx. 2 miles straight on Washington St. (which parallels the MassPike). The Armory will be on your right (brick building that looks like a castle). Park on the street.
West Warwick Civic Center Arena (RI): 100 Factory Street W. Warwick, RI - Take I-95 South to exit 10 Rt 117 West. Proceed west on Rt 117 approximately 2 miles to New London Ave. Turn right on New London Ave. and proceed North approximately 1/2 mile to Factory Street. Turn Left on Factory Street and watch for arena on right. OR use I-295 South to exit 2 Bald Hill Rd/Rt 2. Go South on Bald Hill Rd approximately 1 mile and bear right onto Toll Gate Rd. Follow 1/2 mile to Providence Street. Bear left on Providence St. and continue straight to New London Ave. Continu three quarters of a mile to Factory Street. Turn right on Factory St and watch for arena on the right.
West Warwick High School (RI): 1 Webster Knight Drive West Warwick RI
Westwood High School (MA): 200 Nahatan Street, Westwood, MA
Westwood Park YMCA (NH): 90 Northwest Blvd. Nashua, NH
Weymouth High School (MA): 1 Wildcat Way Weymouth, MA
From North: Rte 3 South; off at exit 16B (S. Weymouth) Go South on Rte 18 through first set of lights; Left at second set of lights to Park Ave. (Dunkin Donuts on right); Left onto Wildcat Way. -
From South: Rte 3 North; off at exit 15 (Derby Street). Turn right off exit ramp (go over highway); Follow to second set of lights (Pleasant St); Wildcat Way is first right after the light.
Wheaton College (MA): 26 East Main Street Norton, MA. - Clark Recreation Center, Clark Recereation Road- near baseball field (across street from main Campus)
Wheaton College (MA): 26 East Main Street Norton, MA - Haas Athletic Center Emerson Gym
Wilbraham & Monson Academy (MA): 40 Faculty Street, Wilbraham, MA
Wilton Lydeborough Cooperative HS (NH): 57 School Road, Wilton, NH
Winnisquam Regional HS (NH): 435 West Main Street, Tilton, NH
Winstead YMCA (CT): 480 Main Street Winstead CT
Wolves Den (MA): 340 Oak Street Pembroke MA
Woodstock Academy (CT): 57 Academy Road Woodstock, CT
Woburn Memorial HS (MA): 88 Montvale Ave. Woburn, MA
Worcester State University (MA): 486 Chandler Street, Worcester MA
XL Sports (ME): 400 North Street Saco, ME
If there is a site that is not listed above please check the NERVA Juniors web site .